Monday, July 23, 2012

How to personalize emails with custom logo and branding

June 2020 Update: the pictures on this article are outdated as the Service has been completely redesigned in 2020.

Here is how to customize email messages sent by our service with your company logo and a custom footer in HTML format.

First, login to Emaillargefile.Net. Next, open your Account settings page.

Scroll down until you see the Custom Branding option:

Click the checkbox to start personalizing your account.

For custom branding, you can upload a custom PNG or JPG or GIF logo file. You can also add a custom text to the message footer which will also appear on file download page and the drop box page.

The footer text supports HTML notation, so you can include remote site links and other references.
Click Update Branding when you are done. You will see the logo preview and an option to remove the uploaded image.

You don't have to always upload a logo and change the footer text at the same time. Updating one option is perfectly fine.

If you disable custom branding by un-checking the "Enable Branding" box, your saved personalization data will not be shown to your recipients anymore, but it will not be deleted from our database. You can always re-enable the branding again without re-uploading your logo.
To force delete the logo and the footer data, you must empty the footer text and check the Clear image box.

Now, provided that you have uploaded the logo and changed the footer text, here is how they will look in each of the email message sent to your recipients:

You may notice the custom logo in the upper part of the email message, and the footer text appears right below the horizontal divider.

The package download page as well as the dropbox page will also display your custom branding:

I specifically highlighted the custom branding components on this screenshot with a yellow marker for better visibility. The actual screen will not have the yellow marker lines.

Currently, ALL subscription customers (including Personal plan) get the branding at no additional charge. They can now personalize their email messages with custom logos and custom text including HTML tags.